Monday, November 30, 2009

Barenaked Ladies - Pollywog In A Bog (Extended Version)

Directed by JP Riley with puppet coordination and editing by Noah Ginex, which is an extended version of the great puppets music video for "Pollywog in a bog" by the Barenaked Ladies, from their collection of original music for children "Snacktime." Out now Visit

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Sunday, November 29, 2009

A Personal Review of Rolex Daytona Chronograph

Rolex watches are considered the best watches ever seen in the luxury watch brand industry. They are regarded as a symbol of class, style and elegance. With a Rolex clock on your wrist, it is said not only to act in time, but also as a statement by itself.

The Rolex Daytona Chronograph is one of the most popular collections in the collections of Rolex watches. It has several models that can be mapped by the color of the dial, the type of metal asand the type of strap.

In March 2008, presented his latest Rolex Rolex Daytona Chronograph, has gained great success all over the world. It can be seen a very hot and listed on most Rolex billboard. The case of this magnificent clock is made of stainless steel, which measures 40 mm. Red is the dominant color of the spectacular design, with red scales, from the second hand on the black dial, the uniqueness of its appearance gives. The infusion of red and black was impressive, and addsgreat stimulus to the timepiece. The minute hand is positioned at 3:00 and the hour hand at 9.00 clock, while the second hand is with white numerals at 6:00. While the use of the chronograph function that should trigger buttons to 2:00 to 4:00 and will be placed. This spectacular Clock is well designed bracelet, polished with the middle part and the other brushed. The serial number is carved on the steeliness clasp.

The design is a combination of classic and elegant, itSuitable to wear in any occasion. With such a clock on your wrist, it tells the time and display your personality and character.

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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Ohrbooten - An alle Ladies (VideoClip)

First video of "Thin White Rope". A band from Berlin, who used their music in the streets to play. Nice funky reaggae pop style with German lyrics. (not made by me - even better quality on its website:

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Friday, November 27, 2009

Donald Rumsfeld and Code Pink

Donald Rumsfeld recently went to the White House Correspondents Dinner (May 9, 2009). Thus, the Code Pink's' s ladies.Here what happened then ...

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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Watch Winder - An Amazing Technological Invention

People of different academic stature have superior technology created to enable the world to the time as well as up to date to remain.

The geniuses have to use a new generation of pieces, the time clocks on different systems to keep functioning and that people submitted on time.

There are many watches with the latest designs that are automatic, so that they have no need to be resolved manually at regular intervals. These clocks do not run on magic, since the majority ofThese run on the movement of peoples arms as if he or she goes through her routine.

One of the possible problems that come when these clocks are left on the owners desk for one reason or another. If this happens, the clock is left motionless for an extended period. These clocks can be manually wound, but a watch winder is the better solution for this problem.

The basic principle of operation is that the Watchwinder stimulatesMotion of a normal user by using the clock in a circular pattern. The typical watch winder is designed so it can not wind the clock more than is necessary, or to damage the clock.

The majority of modern watches, wind up automatically when worn by a person need only this movement thirty minutes a day and watch winder to meet those specific needs.

The advantages of buying a watch winder

The High-TechWatches that are manufactured with modern technology of today, do not need a watch winder, but there are many benefits to using these devices.

If you are a beautiful clock that you have, you wear your habits this clock care should determine the type of watch winders for your specific needs.

A clock that is used only for formal or special occasions, do not constantly have ready for use. A watch windercan be used to rear, and it can until it completely runs down.

When shopping for a watch winder, it will not be long before you realize that there are several unique nature of these mechanisms.

A basic watch winder is to be designed so the wind is more than a clock at a certain time in the event that more than one person can deploy properly in the household must have its clock for use. The cost of the various models differ, as well as the quality andFunctionality of each winder.

If a carrier is not properly prepared, it has the capacity to damage to the more sophisticated clocks do, so it is not advisable to setup something that does not properly resolve a clock when you are sure that the machine can not keep the job work in a safe manner.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Men's Modern Jewelry Boxes

Jewelry boxes are an essential element for the organization of every human being. If people want for a place for her jewelry often to avoid the traditional jewelry box store will be considered because they automatically think of beautiful glass mirrors and jewelry boxes. But this is not true, modern jewelry for men's boxing. There are now a variety of stylish jewelry boxes for men, the ability to hold jewelry for men and have the stylish look that people want to offer.

A clock, jewelry boxis a great place to save men's watches and jewelry. The average person today has a collection of casual and dress watches, bracelets and rings, which they like to store in a beautiful and easily accessible place. A wooden watch box is the best place for such items.

A valet box is bold and beautiful. The valet boxes include the ability to key electronic charge as a place of watches and jewelry store in a functional and stylish box. These are particularlyis useful for people to move their personal belongings such as mobile phones or their MP3 player sooner. This field is a good way to save an organized place to both create and load personal items. You can search more than one item as an MP3 player and cell phone in the delivery of this large memory element.

Stop belong to lose as you MP3 player and keep it in a central location through the use of a valet jewelry box. These boxes are designed with the modern man andhelp to keep him busy with the details in life through the pursuit of his personal belongings. There's even a place to throw his extra change at the end of each day. When one is "all in one place to save and protect the essence of one of the main reasons that people have to use valet boxes. Teen boys are also happy that in a storage and charging valet station, as they prevent them to move the battle of the elements.

Men's jewelry boxes are a great place to watches and jewelry or for storagefor free every day electronic essentials. Add a jewel to your favorite spot, whether it is on your bedroom dresser or on your desk or on a table in the living room. A man looks good jewelry box anywhere and by people of all ages respond.

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Monday, November 23, 2009

Me & Orson Welles - UK Premiere - London - Arrivals & Aftershow

2009 Flash Alert! Flash Alert! Flash Alert! I look forward to premiere this kind much less than the usual things that I visit. Why? Well, the cry for a start and the hysteria, the screaming brings. Zac Efron is a great attraction for young ladies, and there are a lot of noise and crowds get to the front regardless of the arrival time. My arrival time was 7 and only a few of the usual suspects had arrived by then. I was convinced that she at one point farther west than my normal join ...

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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Miss Universe 2009 finals - Opening number, National Costume - coronation night

Miss Universe 2009 Finals Opening Number. The ladies in their national costume. This is the big night crowned Miss Universe 2009 in the Bahamas instead. ... Miss Universe 2009 "Opening Number", "national costume" Grand Coronation Night "Bahamas" beauty contest "

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Monday, November 16, 2009

Ladies Night part II (1 of 5)

Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman ::... ...:: * Part 1 of 5, Episode 10, Season 3 - "Ladies Night, Part II" * Dorothy and Mike encounter when Mike finds a lump in the breast, and Dorothy tried to convince them to Dorothy, made them perform a mastectomy. Colleen gathers her impressive bust of unwanted attention from Jared, a new boy in school, but Colleen handles his harassment with dignity. When Jake and Loren hear Hank say, "someone wearin 'a dress for free drinks for ladies night in his room, they dress in drag and ...

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Designer Watches Are Here To Stay For Long

In the era of digital science, globalization and e-commerce, life has stopped the man, the old phenomenon. This starts have even more apparent when one day life compared with the prior quarter century. Obviously, we have more FM radio station broadcasts programs from more digital cameras today capture human forms and nature, and getting more and more DVD players and iPods sold than ever before. Man's life has certainly been moving through a fast track since we started living in thenew millennium. This observation should be true, at least in the case of the developed and transformation of nations.

One wonders how far could under the circumstances, the age-old devices like wrist watches continue to survive on? It has advanced handsets, which was holding a surprising number of jobs, including time, when they get their fingers rapped a few times could result in around them. In fact, there is no need to finger a disturbing even in these days, with so much of wireless technologyplay their role. So what is the future of a simple timing device such as a watch in front of us are turning in this scenario? The answer may be related to the reaffirmation of the view that wrist watches are not only found time-keeping devices, but also a way of designing. This aspect is particularly evident when one segment, as seen in the world of the designers of today. In fact, there is no simpler watches available on the market longer. Only brand and designer watchestheir lookalikes are what one would expect, are too important to the arena of watchmaking in those days.

You have to choose some very stunning watch designs from a particular variety of Rolex, Seiko, Dutch From watches, Polanti watches, Giantto watches and similar other international brands. They make watches of all colors, sizes and price tags, you can use the stamina to withstand having. All these companies offer designer watches, which can range from several hundred toseveral thousand dollars depending on one's purchasing power. Then you can still see a designer from either a male or female category, all of these watch brands develop proposals with.

Moreover, these companies do to celebrate designer watches for all events in your life - from your vacation, from the introduction to the romance and marriage with his own participation in the workplace with an evening with someone. Each of these opportunities could be enhanced through the implementation of aCareful selection of the chosen designer watch styles. You could even watch a user, by having developed a dial and a band from a given set of accessories. In addition, some companies are also inexpensive watches these days have run from $ 50.

With millions of mobile phone roaming users around the world, designer watches are also forced to features such as video games, digital cameras and includes, apart from pocket calculators toTiming equipment. Various other features such as a digital display system, chronograph and the ability to shock, water and scratch-resist could also be seen in contemporary designs to see included. The market for designer names like Clock Polanti clocks, watches and clocks from Dutch is Giantto continue as the economy gains momentum growing every year, and there are plenty of reasons to believe that this trend would continue to remain the sameCourse for many years to come now.

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Friday, November 13, 2009

Happy Tree Friends - Something Fishy

Class is back in session! The band brought in their pets for show and tell, but Russell's scaly friend has more than a passing interest in the school body. ... Happy Tree Friends back to lumpy htf mondo media mini school teacher shows russel Animation Cartoons

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Casio Ladies Watches - Fun and Functional

Casio watches are for men, fun and functional known. They are great with casual and everyday outfits. Over the years, Casio's reputation has that watches that are reliable and good value for money built up, but most of all fun to wear. Casio was a pioneer in digital watches - today they offer both analog and digital models, and even some digital models that sport retro analog faces. The central element of a Casio Clock is flexibility - sportyClocks, the work as well with jeans and T-shirts, as they do with a skirt and sweater.

One of the best things about Casio Ladies Casio is the way to add additional functionality to your clock may be more than just a timekeeper. For example, many models have seen changeable background colors to change your mood if you do too. The Baby-G database area, you can store the names, addresses and phone numbers of up to two dozen people with the shockFunction. Many models have world clock, alarm and day count. Water-resistant watches are standard, and many models are shock resistant as well.

Casio Ladies Watches can also use functions, which will prove useful as in your daily life. Calendar features that will keep the option of up to 5 different alarms reminder will help you on schedule. A stopwatch feature can help you, your time is running. A timer function can help those that interval training you to stay on course. Basically, these areWatches are designed to be more than a simple timing device, but to help you organize your daily life to remember important phone numbers and movement, the best of your ability every day. Of course we have a picture of a multi-function Clock is a function, but the entire zero style.

Fortunately, Casio does not think that functional clocks have to be ugly. Casio watches are stylish and fun ladies. You use great colors and strap accents even help the sport andPractice of female watches look. Bracelet-Style Watch Bands help the clocks just sit on your wrist. Buttons can be seen easily accessible and do not protrude far from the edge. Casio watches are built last, to look great, and all through their life cycle. With a large selection to choose from that range from simple everyday watch full function of sport watches you can be sure the perfect Casio Ladies watch.

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Monday, November 9, 2009

Morticia Joins the Ladies-League

Gorgon, an escaped circus gorilla, is one of the family, the shock of the Ladies League members Morticia's invited to tea accepted. Gomez is as Pugsley's a friend of Gorgo satisfied, but Lurch is unhappy when teaching Pugsley Gorgo in housework to do.

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Schoolhousin' - Episode 1: "For the Ladies"

*** MSG Follow on Twitter! Reassure your undereducated dung-tunnels and the experience of MSG's OWN curriculum of continuing with the new original web series "Schoolhousin!" Episode 1: "For the Ladies" is a lesson from the heart ... an illustrated guide on how to get the true beauty from the inside. Other episodes will follow soon! Watch them all and get an official diploma, Chinatown is discreetly to you in conjunction with the Time-Life oldies collection that you ordered by mail, if you ...

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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Fossil Watch-A Perfect Gift

You have heard from fossil watches for a long time and could not imagine what it was, a fossil start something long dead from the prehistoric era. Then you learn that it is really used a clock, a timepiece by many people. It is more than one brand on specific items.

So just what is it? Fossil is a developer and manufacturer of clothing and accessories, especially watches and jewelry, and they recently expanded to make sunglasses and wallets. But, you arenot interested in the other items they make, you're interested in a clock and want to get him one of the firm.

Fortunately, the clocks to be accessible for the middle class because they are inexpensive and sold in most retail stores and department stores. They are particularly well liked by younger people and collectors, as it specifically for watches in the popular characters such as "Pirates of the Caribbean, Green Lantern, Snoopy, making Star Wars, Chronicles ofNarnia, and many other characters.

Fossil watches are for men and women. Ladies' watches are gold, silver, leather, designer-made style, are fully functional are interchangeable dials and special adaptation-o-matic features that make it perfect for any size wrist. The scales and interchangeable colored ribbons are especially popular, as you change your clock can be perfectly coordinated to your outfit fashion-plus in today's world. What canbe perfect, that the ability to change the look of your clock every day?

Is for evening gowns, ladies an elegant accent to by seeing a dress of gold or silver, that it can offer the perfect combination of durability and sophistication.

Men's watches offer a greater mix of style and function in a variety of wrist and pocket watches. Regardless of whether you are a dress or casual watch Watch for MenFun and games, Fossil has hundreds of different brands, models and models available. The tough part is picking what you want, but with the Internet readily available, you can find literally hundreds of different watches within 15 minutes.

Since Mother's Day and Father's Day is right around the corner, why not a few tips to keep a fossil Clock for this day. It certainly beats flowers for the mother or a new tie for father, maybe you will actually get you want thisyear. Do some research and figure out which watch you want and then start showing it to your family.

Keep talking about finding the time to get to the mall to buy it, but you are always too busy to get there. Hopefully, they will take the hint and buy the watch for you. If the picture of your watch disappears, do not ask about it—just keep your fingers crossed that someone in the family has taken the hints and initiative to go and purchase it for Them.

Remember, try to surprise, to act when you open the box of!

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Friday, November 6, 2009

Prom Dresses - What's Your Style?

For many girls Prom Night is the most important event of their high school year. It is no understatement to say that you'll remember your Prom Night for the rest of your life. Given their importance in high school and beyond, it is important that you have a dress that you feel and look best to take.

Before you begin

Before you even start looking for prom dresses, spend some time thinking about your personal style. If you like, in combination with the crowd, you will probablyis not comfortable in show stopping red dress parade. On the other hand, if you like the headlights, you shyly from formal dresses, reminiscent of a dress bridesmaid.

Keep in mind, however, that make prom a great opportunity to step out of your comfort zone. You're probably not used to wear evening dresses, prom dresses so that all seem a little strange to be like. If you've always harbored a fantasy, a picture-princess, a prom dress canYou feel like a king. Likewise, if you have always wanted to showcase your inner sultry siren, the pearl cocktail dresses, you can dip your feet in these waters.

See What's Available

When you think about your personal style, go online to a site that specializes in prom dresses and see what is available. You will probably find evening gowns by designers such as Sherri Hill, Jovani, Nightline, Faviana, and much more. Spend time considering the kind of dress that you makefeel great and you can shine on your special night. Are you comfortable with strapless dresses, belts, or do you prefer? Do you like the shimmer of sequins and beads, or the rustle of tulle? Do you want to show the skin and go with a backless dress or that your stomach, or are you more comfortable with a solid top? Are you brave enough for a thigh-high slit, or you want a long dress with a train?

You may already have a strong personal style and need a dress that will meetYour needs. If one for simple, clean lines and not a lot of Flash, you will probably want to go with a Niteline dress. If you're a Goth, look for deep red or purple accents against a background of black, and set the way you can with jewelry, accessories and shoes with socks. If your religious faith requires that you seek to dress modestly, by searching for prom dresses that fit either the account or the account can be altered to fit your needs.

Go Shopping!

While you are certainly in a position toSearch for a wide variety of prom dresses online, it's hard to tell from a photo whether a certain kind of look good on you. It is worthwhile to go a local store and try on the clothes, the similar lines, cuts and functions as the information you found online. If you find a style that works especially well for you, you can go out and order it online.

Remember, the best combination you can hope for is a dress that feels to find your personal style, one large andYou can add a step or two outside of your comfort zone. You are sure to create the wonderful memories that lasts a lifetime.

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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Shane Mercado Dances to "Single Ladies" also see

Shane Mercado has a big task, a copy of the movements of Beyonce in her video Single Ladies. Here is the video of Shane meeting Beyonce:

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

How to Spot a Fake Handbag

With the variety of handbags available on the market, it's really a difficult task, the right quality of product offered to you will vary, and the handbags you have selected is a real and not a fake. Sell Many times a number of retailers caught counterfeit handbags and sometimes consider imposing sanctions and fines, and most of the time of the sale of the brand prohibited.

If you have a plan to have to buy a handbag, and want to know how to be a fake handbag spot, youFirst, the quality of the handbag very carefully. The material quality is one of the most important things and a wrong suppliers or manufacturers are always secondary material for the manufacture of the handbag. It is, therefore, give you an idea of falsity of the product. Now a day is also fake leather handbags in good quality are available, but these may differ slightly from the original handbags.

Stitching and workmanship is poor in counterfeit handbags, and you canto easily distinguish this parameter from the standard handbags. You may need to sew in a pocket or in your pocket, and you can easily look for a fault look, if it is a fake handbag. These differences are not visible seams from the outside and should be searched carefully. In addition to the folders you should be available through labels on the handbags. It is the only label where you can see the difference, and change the spelling, the logo or logo designmisspelled. The label should be carefully examined and the position of the logo should also be checked. In counterfeit handbags, this produced poor quality marking and fixing of the labels to show the handbag also poor in stitches.

Original branded handbags offers attractive packaging and the wrong manufacturer, or suppliers are not able to comply with these attractive packages and can therefore easily be identified as counterfeit handbags. With all these easy steps, taking into account, we can strike aDecision on the falsity of the handbags and can save a lot of money.

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Monday, November 2, 2009

Rolex Ladies Watches - Perfection Delivered

Rolex is one of the most prestigious watch brands, that the rules in the hearts of people around the world. They are the true example of marvelous craftsmanship. It takes more than a year together pieces of 220 minutes in the timer that is set systematically done by hand. In fact, almost 400 companies are carried out only on the main boards. The finished clock is set by a series of tests and re-testing. This quest for perfection, Rolex a true symbol of class,Elegance and social status. Rolex Watches Women may be the perfect gift for the most important woman in your life.

There are a wide range of Rolex watches ladies, each with a unique style and class. The two major categories, President Ladies Rolex and ladies Rolex Datejust. Both categories offer a wide range of varieties suiting all types of taste. The 18k Ladies Rolex Super President, Rolex is a unique model. The Presidential Bracelet appearbold and powerful - the main reason why it is becoming increasingly popular with young professional women today. Many choose colors for the clock: the champagne, mother of pearl, pave diamonds and silver.

Ladies White Gold Pave Dial Rolex Super President offers the ultimate in style and elegance. It has a pave diamond dial with 110 round diamonds set in 18k white gold. The housing is made of 18k yellow gold with 18k yellow gold crown and custom made diamond nose. It is the custom, 70ct. beadset diamond bezel set with 30 round diamonds in 18K yellow gold. The most important feature is the Italian-made 18k yellow gold President bracelet fitted with 232 diamonds.

Ladies Rolex Datejust watches include a variety of women. The Ladies 2T Rolex Datejust with Jubilee 18k/Stainless Steelband is a refined version of the Datejust which allows for more flexibility. It is available in many colors, such as dial mother of pearl, champagne, silver,blue and red. In particular, the mother of pearl dial provides one color is looking increasingly popular in recent years.

Now it has become easier to buy authentic Rolex watches. Melrose Jewelers offers genuine pre-owned Rolex watches too simple and affordable. You can Rolex watches ladies to simply by visiting their website. Each clock comes with 1-year warranty and a full authentication and appraisal by theLos Angeles International Gemological Laboratory. The team of technicians and specialists from Melrose Jewelers perform polishing and timing adjustment to the clock to give them a whole new look. You will receive a customized Melrose Jewelers leather "Silk & interior watch box, hand-sewn watch polishing cloth, and a detailed manual for every purchase.

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